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Based on this lib but you can extend and combine any libraries you want

Modify the nemathode.big.config.js file:

import bigjs, { Big } from 'big.js';
module.exports = {
mathConstants: {
'E': Math.E,
'LN2': Math.LN2,
'LN10': Math.LN10,
'LOG10E': Math.LOG10E,
'LOG2E': Math.LOG2E,
'PI': Math.PI,
'SQRT1_2': Math.SQRT1_2,
'SQRT2': Math.SQRT2,
functions: {
'abs': {
implementation: (...args) => {
return (bigjs(...args)).abs();
'min': {
implementation: Math.min,
'areEqual': {
implementation: (...args: number[]): boolean => {
const firstEl = bigjs(args[0]);
return args.every(arg => firstEl.eq(bigjs(arg)));
toInputType: (val: unknown): Big | unknown => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
const input = bigjs(val);
return input;
return val;
toOutputValue: (val: unknown): unknown => {
if (val instanceof Big) {
return val.toNumber();
/* if (typeof val === 'string') {
return Number(val);
} */
return val;
binaryOperators: {
'+': {
precedence: 1,
implementation: (
l: Big,
r: Big,
): Big => {
'-': {
precedence: 1,
implementation: (
l: Big,
r: Big,
): Big => {
return l.minus(r);
'*': {
precedence: 2,
implementation: (
l: Big,
r: Big,
): Big => {
return l.mul(r);
'/': {
precedence: 2,
implementation: (
l: Big,
r: Big,
): Big => {
return l.div(r);
'%': {
precedence: 2,
implementation: (l: Big, r: Big): Big => {
return new bigjs(l.toNumber() % r.toNumber());